• THG•埃里森若曦     How to Date(Sleep) a Foreigner

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    What?!I put "Sleep"into the headline?!!!


    ⚠Notice:这个article是纯搞笑don't take it seriously.(or is it?)loll

    1)Master the Game of Texting

    One of the core values in western culture is individualism, which means only losers will act like they are needy and desperate for a companion.
    To make sure you don't fail at the starting line - remember NEVER text back immediately. If the other person replies in 2 hours, get back to them in 2 days. If they reply in 2 days, make it 2 months.
    The longer they wait, the more serious they take you. Who cares that it takes 30 years to set up the first date? At least by then you are both too old to cheat.


    2)Watch out for the Friendzone

    Unlike the Chinese dating approach, friend first then hook up, foreigners are unable to date someone who are already a friend.

    So do everything opposite as a friend to avoid this tragedy. An ideal situation would be you having no common interests with them, so you have nothing to talk about and then go straight for the home run on date one.

    Another effective approach would be acting like a total asshole or bitch - I promise they will be turned on.


    3)Always be Straightforward

    Reading between the lines is such an elegant Chinese social custom, but keep in mind that these hairy white monsters wouldn't be able to handle that level of nuance.
    Always speak out loud when talking to your western date, with no metaphor, symbolism or implication.
    "Your hair is weird, your job is lame, your joke is stupid, but as long as we can still fuck - PEACE." You only live once, better save some time.


    4)Never Say the L Word

    In the Chinese context, the L word may be the beginning of a relationship, but in the western way it's probably the end. It destroys freedom, exposes their emotional vulnerabilities, and creates crying pooping babies.
    If you don't want to risk scaring your foreign partner away, delete the word from your dictionary.
    Even when they go down on one knee proposing to you at the most romantic scene you could ever imagine, remember the one and only
    answer - Psht, who wants to settle down?!


    bonus是下面我唱一句歌🙈害羞啦✨nighty night!


    1970-01-01   29赞       1踩       1471浏览 评论(41)


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