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    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Life is always about ups and downs. You won’t always be at the top, but you won’t always be at the bottom too.

    【脱口而出系列】1. I'm spoken for.我心有所属了。2.End of story.话说完了,到此为止。3.That's a dumb idea.那是个烂主意。4.We have a little catching up to do.我们得叙叙旧了。5.You're not having second thoughts, are you?你不打算再考虑考虑了,对吗?6.A pinkie swear?拉钩保证?

    1. 因不小心撞到墙上了,额头上起了个包,这个包叫lump或bump。"I banged my head and a lump formed on my forehead. "(我额头上撞起了个包 )。2. 若是由上火(inflamed)等引起的皮肤病,“包”的病名不确定时,可概称skin lesion或bump.


    【与数字有关的短语】1.be of two minds 三心二意;犹豫不定;2.put two and two together 根据事实推理;3.kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕;3.forty winks 打盹;白天小睡;4.on cloud nine 非常高兴;九霄云外;5.in seventh heaven 处于狂喜状态中;6.at the eleventh hour 在最后一刻;

    【当别人不耐烦时,你应该这样说】1)Take it easy.别着急2)Just calm down.冷静点3)Be more patient. 要耐心4)Take your time.慢慢来5)All in good time.不要太着急了6)No rush慢慢来7)There's a time for everything.事情要一件一件地做。8)keep Calm,Don't lose your temper. 淡定,别发火。

    【成对的英语短语】1.pros and cons 正反;2.import and export 进出口;3.home and abroad 国内外;4.ups and downs 盛衰;5.heat and cold 冷热;6.internal and external 内外;7.sooner and later 早晚;8.ancient and modern 古今;9.profit and loss 盈亏;10.odds and ends 零碎;

    【时下最IN的英文口头语】我了个去:holy crap;额滴神啊:oh my God;我的天哪:Jesus Christ;牛了B了:freaking awesome;神马东西:what the hell;傻了吧唧:stupid ass;闭嘴吧你:shut the fuck up;臭不要脸:you've got such a nerve;胡说八道:totally nonsense;我看行:it will work

    【汽车常用术语】steering wheel 方向盘;tailpipe 排气管;spare wheel 备用轮胎;bumper 保险杠;head light 车头灯;indicator 方向灯;windshield 挡风玻璃;dashboard 汽车仪表盘;milometer 里程表;engine 发动机;rear-view mirror 后视镜;reverse 倒车档

    【易混淆词汇】1.interval 间隔;间距;internal 内部的;内在的;2.example 例子;榜样;sample 样品;取样;3.unable 不能的;不会的;enable 使能够;4.welfare 福利;幸福;farewell 告辞;再会;5.feature 特点;特征;feather 羽毛;6.bond 结合;债券;公债;bound 限制;有义务的;跳;一定的

    【表达去睡觉】1. Go to bed/sleep. 上床睡觉。 2. Off to bed. 上床去了。 3. Hit the sack/hay 上床睡觉去(俚语)。 4. Take a nap. 小憩一会儿。 5. Take a snooze 打个盹儿。 6. Catch some Zs 小睡一会儿。 7. It's bedtime. 睡觉时间到了。 8. It's time to say good night. 该道声晚安了。

    【表达穷】口语当中表达没钱 、手头拮据的 可说 hard up、broke 、strapped for cash ;表达人 穷到爆、穷到一毛不剩的 可以说 dead broke 、flat broke 、flat busted、stone broke、stony broke ;指人穷困潦倒的 down on one’s luck;极为贫穷是 penniless

    【各种消费场所】department store百货商店;supermarket超市;grocery食品杂货店;APP store应用商店;shopping mall购物中心;strip mall / shopping plaza商业步行街; snack bar小吃店;chain stores连锁店;second-hand shop旧货店;flea market / swap meet跳蚤市场

    【头发有关的英语词汇及相关表达】shoulder-length hair 齐肩发;straight/curly hair 直发/鬈发;wavy hair 波浪形头发;blonde hair 金发;red hair 红发;fine/thick hair 细发/浓密的头发;brush/comb your hair 梳头发;be losing your hair 在脱发;have/get your hair cut 去理发。

    【词汇搭配】come. 1.How come…?为什么?2. Come again? 再说一遍;3. Come first 首当其冲;Work comes first! 工作第一!4. Come and go 来来去去;5. Come across 偶然遇见;6. Come along 一起;You wanna come along? 你要不要一起去?7. Come down with 患病;I'm coming down with something.

    【各种肉】嫩肉 tender meat; 瘦肉 lean meat; 肥肉fat meat 或 fatty meat;烟燻肉 smoked meat; 肉干jerky; 肉松meat floss;嚼不烂的肉tough meat;香肠sausage; 罐头肉canned meat;红肉 red meat;白肉 white meat;腊肉 cured meat;注水肉water-injected meat

    【英语干货:关于“团队”的词汇】teamwork团队合作;teamwork spirit团队精神;collaboration合作;win-win cooperation合作共赢;partnership合作关系;mutual assistance互助;mutual benefit互利;combined efforts共同努力;communication沟通;coordination协调;synergy协同效应

    【成语学习】甜言蜜语feed sb a line 呆若木鸡clutch up 烂醉如泥dead drunk 街谈巷议street gossip 偷工减料cut corners 精神饱满be full of beans 枯燥无味dry as dust 满腔怒火be up in arms 化为泡影to blow sth 狼吞虎咽eat like a hog 堪当重任fill sb's shoes 忍辱含垢eat humble pie

    【各种“态度”】1.nonchalant冷淡的,漠不关心的;2. jealous妒忌的;猜疑的;3. indifferent 漠不关心的;无关紧要的;profane亵渎的;4. flatter奉承,谄媚;5. grudge 怨恨;6. envy 嫉妒;7. admire 赞美,钦佩;8. desperate绝望的,不顾一切的;9. contrite 悔悟的;10. forlorn绝望的;孤独的

    【餐具】flatware 餐具; fork叉子;serviette 餐巾(家庭用)而napkin 餐巾(用于餐馆); fruit plate果盘; toothpick牙签; coaster 杯垫; pepper shaker胡椒罐; salt shaker 盐罐; place mat桌垫; soup bowl 汤碗;chopsticks 筷子;soup spoon 汤匙

    关于"洗衣服"一些同学可能会说:wash (my) clothes,实际上更地道的说法是:do (my) laundry,例如:I'm going to do my laundry. 我要去洗衣服了。其中laundry就是指要洗的衣服,dirty laundry 脏衣服,clean laundry 干净的、洗过的衣服,dry my laundry 弄干我的衣服,fold my laundry 叠衣服

    你问别人“明白了吗?”如果用的是“Do you understand?”就不那么地道,因为“Do you understand”slightly carries the implication that it is your(the listener's) fault if you do not understand.(有点暗含“你听不懂是你水平不够、你的问题”的意味,不礼貌)而符合英美人常用习惯的表达应该是“Does it make sense?”, which carries the implication that it is my(the speaker's) fault if you do not understand(暗含“你没听懂都怪我表达能力差”的意味)。

    【“睡不着”的表达】1)I passed a wakeful night.彻夜未眠2)I couldn't fall asleep last night.昨晚睡不着 3)I was up all night.一整晚都没睡4)I tossed and turned in bed all night./I tossed about in bed all night.一整晚辗转难眠5)I didn't close my eyes until early morning.直到凌晨才阖眼

    【书法】中国书法 Chinese calligraphy;文房四宝 Four Treasures of the Study;毛笔 ink brush;墨 ink stick;宣纸 xuan paper / rice paper;砚台 inkstone;画毡 desk pad,镇石 paperweight;印章 seal;行书 running script;草书 cursive script;楷书 regular/ standard script

    【与"nose"有关的短语】1.lead by the nose 完全操纵(某人);牵着鼻子走;2.keep one's nose out of 不干涉(他人的事);不管闲事;3.keep one's nose clean 安分守己;不做违法的事;4.keep one's nose to the grindstone 辛勤地工作;5.turn up one's nose at 瞧不起;傲视

    【如何表达有钱】1. rich 富有的、富裕的;2. wealthy 有钱的;3. flush 不差钱(金钱充裕的);4. well-off,是指fairly rich,即手头宽裕的、适度富裕; 5. stinking rich 非常有钱; 6. rolling in it 财源滚滚、很有钱的;7. filthy rich 腰缠万贯的;8. loaded 阔绰的、极富有的

    【与时间有关的短语】1.on time 准时;2.in time 及时;3.all the time 总是;4.from time to time 有时候;5.ahead of time 提前;6.at one time 曾经,一度;7.at any time 随时;8.at no time绝不;9. in no time 立刻,马上;10.make time腾出时间

    【有关“hot”的短语表达】hot potato 烫手山芋;in hot water 遇到麻烦;blow hot and cold 反复无常;hot and bothered 烦躁不安;full of hot air 夸夸其谈;have the hots for 迷恋某人;hot on the heels 紧随其后;in the hot seat 如坐针毡。

    【各种味道】taste/flavor味道/口味;aftertaste余味;sense of taste味觉;lemon-flavored有柠檬味的;umami鲜味; sour酸的;sweet-and-sour酸甜的;hot/spicy辛辣的; tasteless/no taste/bland没味道; bitter苦的;delicious/tasty 美味可口的;delicate 清淡可口;revolting/nasty味道很糟

    【素食主义】 素食主义:vegetarianism;素食者:vegetarian;素食:vegetarian diet/meal;素菜:vegetables;荤菜:meat diet;禁食/斋戒:fast;虔诚的佛教徒:pious Buddhist;清真餐馆:halal restaurant;油炸食物:deep-fried food;胆固醇:cholesterol;低脂食物:low-fat food;食草动物:herbivore.

    【一个词一句话】1. Indeed? 真的吗?2. Pardon? 请再说一遍?3. Terrible! 好可怕!4. Superb! 极好的!棒极了!5. Impossible! 不可能吧!6. Fantastic! 妙极了!7. Definitely! 当然!8. Farewell! 再见啦!9. Adorable! 可爱极了!10. Baloney! 胡扯!荒谬!11. Bullshit! 胡说;废话!

    【带way的常用短语】1.make one's way 前往; 2.feel one's way 摸索着前进; 3.fight one's way 奋勇前进; 4.push one's way 挤出去; 5.make one's way 有出息,出人头地; 6.go one's way我行我素; 7.wind one's way蜿蜒前行; 8.mend one's way改邪归正; 9.have it both ways 两全其美.

    【蔬菜的英语词汇】胡萝卜 carrot;白萝卜 turnip;红萝卜 radish;土豆 potato;西红柿 tomato;西蓝花 broccoli;青椒 green pepper;尖椒 chilli pepper;莴苣 lettuce;莲藕 lotus roots;蘑菇 mushroom;韭菜 leek;菠菜 spinach;卷心菜 cabbage;大白菜 Chinese cabbage。

    【科学常识】Paranoia 偏执狂; Insomnia 失眠症; Depression 抑郁症; Anemia 贫血; Appendicitis 阑尾炎;Arthritis 关节炎;Cancer 癌;Tumor肿瘤; Gout 痛风; Leukemia 白血病; Malaria 疟疾; Pneumonia 肺炎; Rabies 狂犬病; Tuberculosis结核病;Asthma哮喘; Diabetes糖尿病

    【鼻子主题】your nose鼻子;have a runny/running/dripy nose流鼻涕;have a stuffy nose鼻塞;blow your nose with a handkerchief/your fingers用手绢/徒手擤鼻涕;blow out thick mucus;擤掉浓鼻涕;swallow your mucus把鼻涕咽下肚里

    【形形色色的“笑”】:burst into laughter 突然大笑;crack a smile 莞尔一笑;explode with laughter 哄堂大笑;force a smile 强作欢颜;grin with delight 高兴的咧嘴而笑;a hearty burst of laughter 一阵爽朗的欢笑;in stitches 笑不可支;laugh it off 一笑而过;laughingstock 笑料

    【各种坏淫】1.two timer 劈腿男(女);2.freeloader 蹭吃蹭喝的人;3.liar 撒谎的人;4.cheater 骗子;5.jinx 扫把星;6.kept woman 情妇,二奶;7.the other woman/man 小三(女/男);8.home-wrecker 破坏他人家庭的小三; 9.cheapskate 小气鬼;10.gold digger 拜金女;11.SOB=son of a bitch 贱人

    【跟rain有关的短语】1)as right as rain 一帆风顺,一切正常;2)rain buckets 雨下的很猛烈;3)rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨;4)rain praise on 对...赞不绝口;5)take shelter from the rain 躲雨,避雨;6)It never rains but it pours.不鸣则已一鸣惊人;7)rain tears泪如雨下

    【姿势的几种表达】姿势posture/pose/position;站姿stance;蹲下crouch down; 跪下 get down on one’s kneel/kneel down;弯腰bend down; 低头lower one’s head ;翘腿坐/盘坐 sit with one’s legs crossed; 靠背而坐 settle back; 站起来stand up;坐直 sit up; 躺下lie down;握手shake hands

    吵架的英文怎么说?1、argue或have an argument;2、quarrel或have a quarrel;3、fight或have a fight通常指吵架:The newlyweds are always fighting(=having a fight) over chores.这对新婚夫妇总是为家务活而吵架。如果fight是打架可以加个"physical":Have you been in a physical fight before? 4、squabble/bicker(为琐事)争吵,发生口角:The kids were bickering over what program to watch.孩子们在为看什么节目争吵。5、have a row吵架:We had yet another family row.我们家里又吵了一架。

    Keep 用在口语里。keep in touch! 保持联系。Keep trying! 继续努力,别放弃。Keep quiet! 安静!Keep it to yourself! 保密,你自己知道就行了。Keep up the good work! 好好干!Keep your chin up! 别灰心,打起精神来。Keep your shirt on! 别着急!Keep your mouth shut! 别多嘴!

    【易混淆词汇】1. through 通过;thorough 彻底的;十分的;though 尽管;2. purpose 目的;用途;propose 建议;suppose 假设;3. allusion 暗示;提及;illusion 幻觉;4. stationery 文具;信纸;stationary 固定的;5. amend 修改;改善;emend 校订;修改


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