• EE英语课堂❤️     BBC 6 minutes English

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Public Wechat: Estefania369
    喜马拉雅&新浪微博: 英美混音的Estefania



    catch somebody off guard:
    to surprise someone in a way that often makes them confused or embarrassed

    chat show:
    a TV or radio programme where celebrities talk to their host about various topics

    a person who presents a TV or radio show and talks to guest celebrities

    open questions:
    questions that can't be answered with a short answer for example a couple or words or yes or no; they often begin with 'wh' (why, what, who etc)

    juicy details:
    information you find interesting because it's exciting or shocking

    closed question:
    a question where the choice of answers is limited for example to yes or no, or a specific piece of information

    hot under the collar:
    angry or embarrassed

    get or produce something, for example, a reaction

    protecting yourself from criticism or attack

    draw back: move away

    make the camera disappear: make something real or authentic

    dumb: stupid

    probing: investigative

    1970-01-01   26赞       1踩       710浏览 评论(14)
女 影后lv57


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