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    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    【心情词汇】EMBARRASSED尴尬 ashamed惭愧 flustered慌张 guilty内疚 agony苦恼 heartbroken伤心 miserable悲惨 depressed沮丧 discouraged气馁 melancholy忧郁 jealous嫉妒 insecure不安全 leery狡猾 reserved冷淡 sensitive敏感 anxious焦虑 cranky暴躁 distraught心烦意乱 stressed out紧张有压力

    【如何用语英语表达你现在的感情状态】1. single单身;2. in a relationship恋爱中;3. engaged已订婚;4. married已婚;5. in an open relationship开放式关系;6. widowed丧偶;7. separated分居状态;8. divorced已离异;9. domestic partnership未婚同居关系;10. Civil Union同性婚姻

    【你单身的原因是什么?】①You don't let people in.拒绝别人进入你的生活. ②You're picky.太挑剔. ③You're sloppy.马大哈 ④You're too cocky.太自信 ⑤You don't go out much.宅女 ⑥You have high standards.要求太高 ⑦Your parents don't want you to date.父母不同意你交往对象


    【关于下雪的英文词汇】snow 雪,下雪;snowfall 降雪;snowflakes 雪花,雪片;snow ball 雪球;light snow 小雪; flurries (brief light snowfall) 小阵雪;snowstorm 暴风雪; blizzard (long severe snowstorm) 大暴风雪;snowy 多雪的,雪白的;snowdrift 雪堆; snowman雪人;snow cover 积雪

    【got在口语中的用法】1.I got a shock!我震惊了 !2.I got a little carried away.我有点偏离正轨。3. I got so mad about it! 我对这件事情非常火大!4.You got a minute? 你有时间吗?5.I got your back. 我给你当靠山 。6.You got nothing to worry about.你没什么好担心的。

    【各种气味】stink 臭味;stench 恶臭的;sweet 甜的;aromatic, balmy 芬芳;briny 咸味的;burnt 烧焦味;earthy 泥土气息;fishy 鱼腥味的;fragrant 芳香的;fresh 清新的;mildewed,musty 霉味的;rotten 腐烂的;spoiled 变质的;sharp 刺鼻的;sickly 令人作呕的;sour 酸的;spicy 辛辣的.....

    【形容食物的味道】1,greasy油腻的 ,2,fresh新鲜的,3、tender柔软的;4、crispy酥脆的;5、vinegary酸的 ;6、spicy辛辣的;7、hot烫的/辣的 ;8、sweet甜的;9、oily油的;10、fruity水果味的 ;11、salty咸的 ;12、rotten腐坏的 ;13、medicinal药的;14、tangy味道浓的 ;15、delicious美味的。

    【各种 up】shut up住口;wake up起床;fuck up搞糟;screw up弄糟;hurry up赶快;get up站起来; make up化妆;set up建立; pick up捡起;come up升起;break up断绝关系;bring up提出;give up放弃;take up开始从事;speed up加速; cheer up高兴起来; speak up! 说大声点

    【“give”的短语】give up 放弃;give in 投降,让步;give away 分发;give back 归还;give out 分发,散发;give off 放出,发出;give way 撤退,退让;give over 停止,放弃;give into (过道等)通向;give rise to 引起,导致;give sb. a hand 给予帮助;give sb. a lead 给某人做榜样.......

    【机场常用英文词汇】航站楼 terminal;国内出发 domestic departure;机场休息室 airport lounge;机场大巴 shuttle bus;机场建设费 airport construction fee;跑道 runway;办理登机手续 check in;安检 security check;登机口 boarding gate;登机牌 boarding pass;手提行李 hand luggage

    【形容身体状况的形容词】sore酸痛的; itchy痒的; nauseous令人作呕的;bruise瘀血的; scrape擦伤的;burn烫伤的;scratch抓伤的;sneeze打喷嚔的;congested 鼻塞的;sprain扭伤的;flexible灵活的;cough咳嗽的;swollen肿胀的;dizzy晕眩的; exhausted疲惫的; wheeze气喘的;dislocate脱臼的

    【乡下】1. quietness安静;2.longevity长寿;3.low crime rate低犯罪率;4.cheap living expenses低生活成本;5.backward落后的;6.uninformed消息闭塞的;7.free from a contaminated environment远离受污染的环境;8.tedious乏味的;9.monotonous单调的;10.idyllic田园的;11.economic gap经济差距

    图解厨房卫浴常见物品美式表达:soap stand 肥皂盒;shampoo 洗发露; hair conditioner 护发素; dryer 吹风机; plastic curtain 防水浴帘; shower cap 浴帽; bath slipper 洗澡用拖鞋; bath mat 防滑垫; towel hanger/holder 毛巾架;shower curtain浴帘;sprinkle-nozzle喷头;mirror镜子

    【十二生肖】生肖Chinese zodiac;鼠Rat/Mouse;牛Ox;虎Tiger;兔Rabbit/Hare;龙Dragon;蛇Snake;马Horse;羊Sheep/Ram/Goat;猴Monkey;鸡Rooster;狗Dog;猪Boar/Pig;龙年year of the Dragon;属龙be born in the year of the Dragon;

    【性格词汇】independent主见的;independent独立的;industrious 勤奋的;ingenious有独创性的;intelligent理解力强的;learned精通某门学问的;hospitable殷勤的;humorous有幽默感的;impartial公正的;independent有主见的;independent独立的;industrious勤奋的;ingenious有独创性的

    【与股票相关】1.negotiable securities 有价证券;2.share interest(dividend)股息;3.bonus 红利; 4.shareholder股东;5.periodical revenue定期收入;6.the characteristic of universal circulation普遍流通性;7.issue stocks发行股票;8.subscribe stocks认购股票;9.securities exchange证券交易所

    1970-01-01   23赞       0踩       385浏览 评论(4)
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