• EE英语课堂❤️     4个字的祝福语英语怎么说

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    "I wish you (to have)…" This phrase can then be followed by any idiom on the list below.

    Wishing a HappyMarriage
    * 早生贵子 : May you soon give birth to a son
    * 永结同心 : May you forever be of one mind
    * 百年好合 : May you have a harmonious union that lasts one hundred years
    * 互敬互爱 : May you have mutual love and respect
    * 白头偕老 : May you live together until your hair turns white with old age
    * 举案齐眉 : May you have harmonious marital relations

    Wishing a Happy New Year
    * 新年快乐 : May you have a Happy New Year
    * 恭贺新禧 : May you have a Happy New Year
    * 年年有余 : May you always get more than you wish every year
    * 岁岁平安 : May you have peace year after year
    * 新春大吉 : May you have a lucky New Year

    Wishing Business Success
    * 开业大吉 : May you have the best of luck with your new business
    * 财源广进 : May your wealth be plentiful
    * 财源滚滚 : May profits pour in from all sides
    * 生意兴隆 : May you be endowed with a thriving business and prosperous trade
    * 和气生财 : May you succeed through harmony and friendship
    * 日进斗金 : May you earn huge profits every day
    * 招财进宝 : May you have wealth and success (also traditionally said during the new year)

    Wishing a Long Life
    * 长命百岁 : May you live for one hundred years
    * 福如东海 : May your luck be as immense as the Eastern Sea
    * 寿比南山 : May you live as long as Mount Nan

    Wishing a Happy Family
    * 天伦之乐 : May you have domestic bliss
    * 欢聚一堂 : May you gather happily under one roof
    * 幸福美满 : May you be blessed and happy
    * 平平安安 : May you be blessed with safety and peace
    * 团团圆圆 : May you be blessed with unity and happiness

    Wishing Success at Work
    * 步步高升 : May you rise steadily (at work)
    * 平步青云 : May you rise rapidly in the world (social status or career)
    * 前程似锦 : May your future be as brilliant as embroidered cloth

    General Well-Wishing
    * 心想事成 : May all your wishes come true
    * 出入平安 : May you have peace wherever you go
    * 一帆风顺 : May you have smooth sailing (i.e. figuratively)
    * 吉祥如意 : May you be as lucky as you desire
    * 紫气东来 : May "lucky air" come to your house from the East (used when someone moves to a new house)
    * 金玉满堂 : May treasures fill your home (can refer to children or money)


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